What We Believe
We believe the Bible is God's revelation to man, inspired and without error in the original manuscripts. It is the guide and rule book for a believer's life. We study it, teach it, preach its truths, and strive to live according to its principles and commands.
We believe that Jesus is God the Son. He is our Saviour. He is presently making intercession before God the Father for us and will shortly return, first to catch up His bride, the church, and then to rule this world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are pre-tribulation and pre-millennial in our hope.
We believe people are loved so deeply by God that He was willing to send His Son to die in their place. Every person is important to the Lord and we wish to help them achieve their calling and potential as believers.
Once saved, we believe a Christian should live a life that pleases his Saviour. We should be separated from evil and ungodly actions, habits, and associations. We ought to be so different in our living that people see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. We are the light in an ever darkening world.
We believe the church was instituted and bought by Christ through His vicarious blood redemption on Calvary. We are the instrument that God is using on this planet. Every person once they are saved, should be baptized and become a member of a local assembly that loves the Bible and the souls of men and women. We need each other for strength, fellowship, and growth.
We are in our interpretation, Baptistic (that is, we believe the word of God), fundamental in Doctrine (we hold to the fundamentals of the evangelical faith), conservative and separatist in daily living. WE CARE ABOUT YOU.